What Is DBCO Click Chemistry?
Learn about the foundations and common applications of DBCO click chemistry.
Latest products update, new products introduction, PEG and biopolymer breakthrough research and products news.
Regulatory updates on PEGylated drugs and biopolymer medical devices.
Learn about the foundations and common applications of DBCO click chemistry.
The FDA’s consideration of a biosimilar drug could open up biologic drug research. Learn how you can innovate with our PEGylation products!
Learn more about how PEGs can be used to optimize gene editing and systemic gene delivery.
Learn about the researchers at MIT that are using PEGs in fluorescent polymer gels to help detect structural failure in energy equipment!
A deep dive into anti-PEG antibodies, how they could affect the performance of medicines, and how Creative PEGWorks can help your pharmaceutical projects.  Â
We just launched our new ecommerce website designed by TheeCommerce. Learn more about our new site, including the new features and updates that will improve your shopping and browsing experience.
Our Multi-Arm PEG Products4-Arm PEG-X/YBifunctional 4-Arm PEG reagents have two functional groups X/Y with 1:3 ratio or 2:2 ratio. We started offering this series of special reagents as customs synthesis with the following combinations. We are also listing some of these reagents as regular catalog products that are ready to ship overnight.We offer three ratios […]
The typical PEG-maleimide-thiol reaction results in thiosuccinimide formation which is reversible, with PEG-maleimide elimination occurring slowly under biologically relevant conditions. The reversed reaction leads to the breakage of the maleimide-thiol linkage and the loss of PEG from the thiol/cysteine-containing molecules. If the maleimide-thiol chemistry does not work for your application, you may consider alternatives with […]
A recent review article discussed in details the current status and future prospect of protein pegylation. FDA approved pegylated drugs 2018 source: sciencedirect.com
Creative PEGWorks is now offering a series of PEG Dendrimers with biodegradable building blocks. Dendrimers are functionalized with amine, acid, azide etc.