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mPEG-SH, MW 550

mPEG-SH, MW 550

Catalog No: PLS-607
Product Name: mPEG-SH, MW 550
In Stock: Yes
SKUProduct Name
mPEG-SH, MW 550 - 1g
mPEG-SH, MW 550 - 5g
mPEG-SH, MW 550 - 10g
Total: $0.00
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mPEG-SH is linear monofunctional PEG with a reactive free thiol, SH, cysteine, sulfhydryl, or mercapto group. Thiol selectively reacts with maleimide and novel metal surface including gold, silver, etc. mPEG-SH can be easily air oxidized to form a dimer via a S-S disulfide bond. The disulfide bond is reversible with reducing agents such as TECP or glutathione. PEG thiol reagents are thus useful for reversible PEGylation.

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