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Cholesterol-PEG-Azide, MW 1k

Cholesterol-PEG-Azide, MW 1k

Catalog No: PLS-9966
Product Name: Cholesterol-PEG-Azide, MW 1k
In Stock: Yes
SKUProduct Name
Cholesterol-PEG-Azide, MW 1k - 100mg
Cholesterol-PEG-Azide, MW 1k - 500mg
Cholesterol-PEG-Azide, MW 1k - 50mg
Total: $0.00
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Cholesterol-PEG-Azide uses very stable chemical bonds/linkage to attach cholesterol and azide to PEG through ether bond or amide bond. Unlike ester bonds which are prone to hydrolysis in aqueous solution, the ether linkage between cholesterol   and PEG is chemically robust and very stable. Cholesterol is a membrane constituent which serves a unique function of modulating membrane fluidity, elasticity, and permeability. It fills in the gaps created by packing of other lipid species when proteins are embedded in the membrane. PEGylated cholesterol as an amphiphilic lipid derivative used to prepare liposome and other micelles as drug delivery systems.

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