

Worldwide distributors help supply our products and services to any client in every country speaking any language.

All US based customers should directly order from Creative PEGWorks.

International customers may choose to directly order from Creative PEGWorks and Creative PEGWorks will provide all necessary documents for exporting/importing to your country. Or you may order through distributors in your country as listed below. Contact the distributor via email or phone. If you have your own preferred distributor or agent, Creative PEGWorks is happy to add them to our distributor list.


Assay Matrix Pty Ltd, – P O Box  3114, Ivanhoe North, Melbourne, Victoria 3079, Australia. www.assaymatrix.com, Tel: 1300 792 218 ( Australia only), info@assaymatrix.com


Seebio Biotech (Shanghai) Co., Ltd – Add.:Building 2, Lane 118,Furonghua Road, Shanghai International Medical Zone, 201318,P.R.China, Tel:+86-21-58183712; Fax:+86-21-5027-2979; E-mail: info@seebio.cn

Beijing Shengkeboyuan Bio-tech Co.,LT – B1-0073 Room,1 building , Zhongli Science and Technology Park,Shangdi 3 street , Haidian, Beijing, China, Email: biosale@126.com, Tel: 86-10-62968438; http://www.fanbiotech.com


Shigematsu & Co., Ltd.; 2-2-5 Awajimachi, Chuo-ku; Osaka, 541-0047; Japan; Phone: +81-6-6231-6146; Fax: +81-6-6231-6149; Email: info@shigematsu-bio.com; Website: www.shigematsu-bio.com


Kim & Friends Inc., – (Tel) 82-2-2647-6611; Email: knf.oversea@hotmail.com, www.kimnfriends.co.kr; (Address) SK Twintech Tower B-304, 345-9, Gasandong, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, South Korea. Postal code:08589

BioTrader, Inc – Suite 601 Hawangshimri-Dong #327 Wangshimri-Ro Seongdong-Ku SEOUL,South Korea, 133-867; www.biotrader.co.kr; Tel: 82 2 578 4333; Fax: 82 2 578 4331

Sungwoo Lifescience Inc. – 16 Junggeum-ro, Uijeongbu-si, Gyeonggi-do 11762, South Korea; +82-2-985-7471; Email: sungwoo_ls@hanmail.net; http://www.sungwools.com/eng/

Lim & Biosystems, Giheung ICT-Vally SKV1, B-1208, 58 Giheung-ro, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16976 Korea, Tel: +82-31-630-3790 Fax: +82-31-630-3793, email address: lbs_reagents@daum.net, homepage: lbiosystems.co.kr

Singapore and Southeast Asia

Omnicell Pte Ltd; 48 Toh Guan Road East, #04-138 Enterprise Hub, Singapore 608586;  Tel : +65 67470201; eMail : enquiry@omnicell.com.sg

Afirmus Biosource Pte Ltd, 2 Kallang Avenue, #06-32, Singapore, Phone: 66046872 / 81637412, Email: enquiry@afirmus.com, Website: www.afirmus.com


BioTAG Ltd., PO Box 4067, Kefar Yona, 40300, Israel; Japan; Phone: +972-52-5522748; Email: info@biotag.co.il; Website: www.biotag.co.il

Germany and Europe:

Otto Nordwald GmbH; Heinrichstr. 5, D-22769 Hamburg / Germany; Tel: +49/(0)40/431336-0; Fax: +49/(0)40/431336-22; e-Mail: info@ottonordwald.de; www.ottonordwald.de


GenoChem World SL. ; Calle del Parque,2, Bajo 1. IZQUIERDA; 46131 Bonrepòs i Mirambell Valencia, Spain; Tel: +34 963067369. Mob.: +34 601 47 69 47; Email: info@geno-chem.com  Website: www.geno-chem.com

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